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LS creates greater value together.

Greater Value Together!
The management philosophy of LS, LS partnership®.

LS partnership is about LS people, possessing integrity and top-notch skills, creating outstanding results through mutual respect and cooperation, continuously growing together with all partners. Created by the participation of all LS members, the LS partnership is both a spiritual focal point uniting the thoughts and actions of LS people and a driving force opening up a new future.

Greater Value Together!

LS Group is a
leading company in the fields of industrial electrical/electronic and materials, machinery, parts, and energy.

  • Sales

    KRW 36.3459 trillion
  • Operation Profit

    KRW 1.2017 trillion
  • Total Assets

    KRW 24.4659 trillion

※ Based on the consolidated total of LS Group affiliates for the year 2022

Key Affiliates

LS계열사 : LS MnM / LS Cable&System / LS Mtron / LS ELECTRIC / yesco holdings / GAON / E1 LS계열사 : LS MnM / LS Cable&System / LS Mtron / LS ELECTRIC / yesco holdings / GAON / E1