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LS's contemplation and practice for a
sustainable future for all

Creating LS's values,
we walk towards a better
future together.

LS actively practices Safety, Health, and Environmental Management, Ethical Management, Legal Compliance, Human Rights Management, and Social Contribution, striving to hasten a sustainable future where corporations and society coexist.

Health, Safety, and

Creating a clean earth for
future generations and
a safe working environment
for our employees.

  • Compliance with
    regulations and
  • Establishment and
    operation of
    a health,
    safety, and
    management system
  • Fostering safety
    first &
  • Collaborative
    with employees,
    stakeholders, and
    the local community
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Ethical Management

Building a healthy company based on
strong ethical principles

  • Ethical Standards

    Based on the Integrity, which is the core of LS's management philosophy, we have established and
    are actively practicing LS Ethical Standards and Guidelines.
    These serve as a foundation for correct behavior and
    value judgment, which all companies and employees of
    LS must adhere to, striving for proactive implementation and continual development.

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  • Ethical Management Activities

    To practice these ethical standards, LS is engaged in various activities such as a whistleblowing reward system, Clean Company—a voluntary reporting system, ethics training, and the operation of a cyber suggestion box, among other initiatives.

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Compliance Management

As a global corporation,
we are strengthening our
to compliance
management, adhering to
laws and principles.

  • Compliance Management
    Operating Rules

    The Compliance Management Operating Rules are the supreme regulations that define the basic procedures and related matters of LS Mtron's compliance management. These rules apply to all employees and every aspect of the company's operations.

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  • Declaration and Pledge of
    Compliance Management

    LS Mtron publicly declares its commitment to continuous and robust compliance management and all employees have pledged to adhere to and uphold these standards.

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Human Rights Management

LS Mtron practices human rights management to
protect the value and dignity of all stakeholders.

LS Mtron respects the International Labour Organization (ILO) declaration and
has established a labor rights policy based on labor standards from international
bodies such as the Labor Standards Act, the United Nations,
and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
By adhering to the Compliance Management Operating Rules,
LS Mtron faithfully implements its labor rights policy.

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Labor Rights Guidelines

  • Prohibition of Forced Labor

    Prohibition of
    Forced Labor

  • Protection of Underage Workers

    Protection of
    Underage Workers

  • Adherence to Working Hours

    Adherence to
    Working Hours

  • Wages and Welfare Benefits

    Wages and
    Welfare Benefits

  • Humanitarian Treatment


  • Prohibition of Discrimination

    Prohibition of

  • Freedom of Association

    Freedom of

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Social Contribution

We are committed to fulfilling our social responsibilities
and creating a better world for all.

LS Mtron develops and operates various participation programs to
enable employees to voluntarily fulfill their social responsibilities.

Happy Global Volunteer Group Happy Global Volunteer Group

Happy Global Volunteer Group: Spreading hope and love around the world.

Hope Seed School Hope Seed School

Hope Seed School: Nurturing the healthy dreams of children in need.

Rural Love Volunteer Group Rural Love Volunteer Group

Rural Love Volunteer Group : Invigorating aging rural communities.

Employee Volunteer Groups at Each Site Employee Volunteer Groups at Each Site

Employee Volunteer Groups at Each Site: Extending a helping hand together with colleagues.

Community Welfare Projects Community Welfare Projects

Community Welfare Projects: Sharing warmth with the local community.

Happy Global Volunteer Group Happy Global Volunteer Group
Hope Seed School Hope Seed School
Rural Love Volunteer Group Rural Love Volunteer Group
Employee Volunteer Groups at Each Site Employee Volunteer Groups at Each Site
Community Welfare Projects Community Welfare Projects